Sixty songs inspired by individuals, events and quintessential Canadian themes including 10 English/ French translations of well known songs by others, to facilitate their wider use. Most are original, a handful reply to/borrow from troubadours Stan Rogers, Gordon Lightfoot and Gilles Vigneault. More will be translated in time. Some are freestanding. One third were composed for the CD Connections/Passages and are the basis of a 80 page booklet and school program. Click here for more information.
A number are envisaged as the basis of future “Connections” theme CD’s such as “West Coast Connections,” “Atlantic & East Coast Connections,” “French-English Connections,” “North American Connections,” and “Around Hudson Bay.” One half are recorded in some form, and parts of these can be heard on line. Lyrics of others are available. Links will also be established to other sites with compatible songs and themes.
Stand fast, Craigellachie
William Cornelius Van Horne
Rogers Pass
The Railway and the River: Crowfoot
The Benevolent Banker: Revelstoke
Eagle Pass
Riel and the Railway
Lord Mount Stephen
Keep the Passage Open
The E. and N. Railway
Lady McDonald’s Ride
The Canmore Connection
Sanford Fleming
The Spiral Tunnels
Titanic struck the iceberg/Rupert’s hopes went down
The Empress of Britain
The Selkirk Locomotive
Salute to the Princess Patricia
Canada is Connections