People & Places

Persons and Places

The following is the first draft of a list of 1000 people and places that figure in our narrative. The people include artists, athletes, builders, adventurers and explorers, scientists, scholars, industrialists, labour leaders, business and religious ones who made a difference and/or have something to teach us.

The places include aboriginal and other historic sites of note, rivers and lakes peopled travelled, built and lived beside, land formations and settlements—camps, reserves, cities, towns and villages where people lived and/or are living now. They also include a majority of the key points on our Classroom itinerary.

The people here do not make up a complete list of even a quarter of premiers, governors general or fathers of confederation. Something more than holding an office, winning an award, or being a member of a group is needed to qualify here. But in an effort to be representative women, men, rural, urban, indigenous, immigrants, we admit leaving out many distinguished people. This is a sample, not a “who’s who.”

Students who complete a PhD are expected to know about 80% of the material published in their field of specialization. Students who finish Canadian Classroom’s two-month course are expected to be able to recognize or identify 40% of the names and places on this list.

Each successful applicant is chosen on the basis of potential and skill in five streams of learning (“multiple intelligences”) in the application process (form below). Persons and places here reflect these streams.

What follows here is simply a list of names. The list does not tell who these people are/were or where the places can be found. To find that out, go on line or come aboard Canadian Classroom on Rails …

A goal in the selection is to span regional solitudes: a goal that goes back to building railways and earlier. It’s still a task to be done as the current poll on women to be included on our currency shows. Respondents in the West know the Five of “persons” fame; those from Québec know of Thérèse Casgrain. Not many from one region know about the other. We aim to change that!

This list previews many places on our itinerary and people connected to them. It will be revised periodically to reflect new figures and foci.

The total will stay at 1000 to make it easier to calculate percentages.

Abbott, John C


Active Pass

Adams, Brian

Adams, Willie

Ahuntsic (Huron)

Aird, Sir John/Commission


Alert Bay

Alexander Linc & Lord

Allan, Hugh



Almighty Voice

Ambassador Bridge (Windsor)

Amherst, Jeffrey

Amundsen, Roald


André, Frère

Annapolis Royal



Arcand, Denis

Archibauld, Adams

Armenian Canadians


Ascher, Isadore

Assignac, Jean-B,


Atwood, Margaret

Aubert, Thomas

Auzon, Françoise

Aylmer (2)

Baffin Island

Bailey, Donovan

Baie des Chaleurs

Baldwin, Robert


Banks Island

Banting, Frederick

Barr colonists

Bassett, Carling

Bateman, Robert

Batoche SK

Battleford SK

Bay of Fundy

Beaufort Sea


Beaverbrook, Max

Bedford Basin

Begbie, Matthew

Bell, Alexander Graham

Bell, Jane

Bell, Marilyn

Bella Bella

Bella Coola

Belle Isle NL

Bennett, R.B

Bennett, W.A.C. & Wm


Berlin ON

Bernard, Susan Agnes

Bethune, Norman (2)

Beynon, Lillian

Big Bear, Chief

Biggar SK

Blake, Edward

Blanshard, Richard

Boillé, Hélène

Bombardier, Armand

Borden, Robert

Bostonnais, Pierre “Tête Jaune”

Boucher, Gaétan

Bourassa, Henri

Bourassa, Robert

Bourgeault, Pierre

Bourgeoys, Marguerite

Bourget, Ignace

Bowell, Mackenzie

Bracken, John

Brant, Joseph

Brébeuf, Jean de

British Columbia

Brock, Isaac



Brown, George

Brulé, Étienne

Buchan, John

Buena Vista

Burns, Patrick

Burrard, Henry & Inlet

Burns, Tommy

Butler, John

By, John

Byng, Julian

Cabot, John

Calgary AB

Callaghan, Morley

Cambridge Bay

Campeau, Robert

Cape Breton


Cap Rouge

Cardinal (2)

Carleton, Guy

Carman, Bliss

Carr, Emily

Carr, Shirley

Cartier, Georges-Étienne

Cartier, Jacques

Casgrain, Thérèse

Castle Mountain

Catherwood, Ethel

Cavalier de La Salle

Champlain, Samuel de

Charlottetown PEI


Chrétien, Jean

Churchill MB

Clark, Joe

Colbourne, John

Coldwell, M.J.

Columbia (3)

Colville, Alex

Connaught (2)

Connolly, Amelia Douglas

Cook, James

Cook, Myrtle

Coppermine River


Cornwall ON

Costain, Thomas

Craig, James

Coyne, James

Crazy Horse, Chief

Creighton, D.B.

Crémazie, Octave

Crow’s Nest Pass AB

Cunard, Samuel

Currie, Arthur

Cuvillier, Augustin

Cypress Hills


Dallaire, Roméo

Darling, Frank


Davies, Robertson

Davis Strait

Davis, William

Dawson City YU

De Blois, Jeanne

De Cosmos, Amor

Deighton, “Gassy” Jack

Delaney, Theresa

De la Roche, Mazo

De Maisonneuve, Paul de C.

Dempster Highway

Desmarteau, Étienne Au

D’Iberville, Pierre le Moyne

Dickens, Punch

Diefenbaker, John

Dion, Léon

Dion, Stéphane

Dollard des Ormeaux, Adam

Domagaya (son of Donnacona)

Dorion Antoine Aimé

Douglas, James

Douglas, T.C. “Tommy”

Drake, Francis

Drapeau, Jean

Draper, William Henry

Dressier, Marie

Duck Lake SK

Dumont, Gabriel

Dundas, George

Dunsmuir, Robert

Dunton, Davidson

Duplessis, Maurice

Durham, John George Lambton

Eagle Pass BC

Eaton, Timothy

Eddy, Ezra Butler

Edmonton AB

Edwards, Henrietta Muir

Elgin, James Bruce

Elliot Lake ON

Énard, Jeanne

Enders, Thomas

Erasmus, George

Eriksson, Lief

Esquimalt, BC

Estevan, SK

Fairclough, Ellen

Favreau, Guy


Ferguson, David “trapper”

Fessenden, Reginald

Field (2) Cyrus

William S. Fielding

Fleming, Sanford

Forestier, Marie

Forget, Amédeé

Fort Camosun

Fort Carleton

Fort Chipewyan

Fort Frontenac

Fort Garry

Fortin, Marc-Aurèle

Fort Langley

Fort Macleod

Fort Pitt

Fort Qu’Appelle

Fort Rouille

Fort Saint James

Fort Saint John

Fort Vancouver

Fort Whoop Up

Fort William

Fox, Terry (2)

Frank AB

Franklin, Sir John

Fraser, Alexander

Fraser River/Simon



French (RCMP) Commissioner

Friendly Cove (Nootka)

Frobisher (2)

Frog Lake

Front de Libération du Québec

Frontenac, Louis …

Frost, Leslie

Frum, Barbara (3)

Frye, Northrop

Fuca, Juan de

Fulton, Robert

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Galt, Alexander Tilloch


Garneau, François-Xavier

Marc, Garneau



Généreux, Georgiane

Gesner (2)

Gibbon, John Murray

Gibson, William

Gladstone, James, Sen.


Goldman, Emma

Goose Bay

Gordon, Arthur Hamilton

Gore (2)

Gosford, A.

Gould, Glen

Grandbois, Alain

Gourlay, Robert?

Grand Manan Island

Grand Portage

Grand Trunk

Grant, Cuthbert

Grant, George

Granville, Lord

Gray, Herbert

Green, Nancy

Greenfield, Herbert

Grenfell, Wilfred

Gretsky, Wayne

Grey, A.H.E., 4th Earl

Grey Owl

Gorsseiller, Médard Chouart

Grierson, John

Groulx, Lionel

Guenet, Marie

Guy, John

Gzowski, Peter

Hague, Douglas, Earl

Haldimand, Frederick

Halliburton, Thomas, Robert


Hall (multiples)

Hamdon, Helwi

Hamilton (multi)

Hamlyn, Dr. Richard

Hansen, Rich

Harbour Grace

Hardisty (Richard, place)

Harper (2)


Hart, Ezekiel

Hart House

Harvey, John

Hatfield, Richard

Haultain, Frederick

Hay River

Hays, Melville (2)


Hearne, Samuel

Hearst, William Howard

Hebb, Donald

Hébert, Louis

Hector, James

Hell’s Gate

Hellyer, Paul

Helmcken, John

Henday, Anthony

Henderson, Paul

Henry, Alexander, Martha

Hepburn, Mitchell

Herjoffsson, Bjarni

Hernandez, Juan Pérez

Herschel Island

Hervé, Pierre

Hewitt, Foster


Hill, Jerome James

Hillcrest *

Hincks, Francis

Hocquart, Gilles

Hodges, Nancy

Holland (Samuel, brothers)


Hôtel Dieu

Houde, Camillien

Howe, Charles Decanter

Howe, Gordie

Howe, Joseph

Howells, Emily

Huault de Montmagny, Charles

Hubbard, Mabel

Hudson, Henry, (Bay)

Hughes, Bettie

Hughes, Sam

Hull, Bobby

Hull Québec

Hurtig, Mel

Hutton, Jack *

Hyndman, Robert, Stewart



Île Sainte-Croix

Îles de la Madeleine


Imlach, George “Punch”



Irvine, A. B.

Irving, K.C. (family, industries)

Jackson, A. Y.

Jacquelin, Françoise-Marie la T

James Bay (2)

Jarret de Verchères, Marie-M

Jamieson, Mary

Jetté, Louis

Jodoin, Claude

Johnson, Ben

Johnson, Daniel

Johnson, E. Pauline

Johnstone Strait

Jolicoeur, Flying Officer J

Jolliet, Louis

Jones-Konihowski, Diane

Joy, Greg

Juan de Fuca Strait

Judge, Fr William

Jutra, Claude

Kain, Karen


Kane, Paul

Karsh, Jousuf

Keith, Vicki

Kelsey, Henry

Kettle Valley

Kicking Horse Pass

Kidd, Bruce

King, W. M. L.


Kirke brothers

Kirkland-Casgrain, Claire

Kirkland Lake


Klein, A. M.

Labatt, John

Laberge, Louis


Lac Beauvert


Lacombe, Albert, Town

Lafleur, Guy

LaFontaine, Louis Hippolyte

Lake Athabasca

Lake Champlain

Lake Erie

Lake Huron

Lake Manitoba

Lake Ontario

Lake Superior

Lake Winnipeg

Lake Winnipegosis

Lalemant (2)

Lampman, Archibald

Lancaster Sound

Lang, Otto, Amanda

Langevin, Hector

Lansdowne, Henry


Lapointe, Ernest

Laporte, Pierre


Larsen, Henry

Laskin, Bora

La Tour, Saint Étienne de …

Lawrence, Margaret

Laurendeau, André

Laurier, Wilfrid

Lauzon, Claude

Laval, François de

La Vérendrye, Pierre de

Laviolette, Cpt Charles E

Law, Andrew Bonar

Layton, Irving

Leacock, Stephen

Leblanc, Roméo

Leclerc, Félix

Le Cointre, Anne


Léger, Jules

Léger, Paul-Émile

Lemelin, Roger

Lemieux, Mario

Lepine, Ambroise-Dédine

Lesage, Jean

Lescarbot, Marc


Lévesque, René


Lewis, David, Stephen

Lightfoot, Gordon

Lions’ Gate (Bridge)

Livesay, Dorothy


Lockhart, Grace

Logan, Robert

Lombardo, Guy


Longboat, Tom


Long Lake

Long Sault

Lorne, John, D.S.C.

Lougheed, Peter


Louise, HRH

Low, Albert Peter

Lowry, Malcolm


Macdonald, Agnes

Macdonald, John A

Macdonald Mount/Tunnel

Mackenzie, Alexander (2)

Mackenzie River

MacLean, J. Angus

MacLennan, Hugh

Macleod, James

MacNab, Allan

Macphail, Agnes

Magdalen Islands

Maitland, Perengrine

Maissonneuve, Paul de Chomeday

Mance, Jeanne

Manion, R. J.

Manitoulin Island

Manley, Elizabeth

Mann, Donald

Manning (2)

Marchand, Jean


Martin Hélène

Martin, Mungo

Massey, Vincent

Maugerville NB/US

Maxwell, Susan Augusta

May, Wilfrid Reid “Wop”

Mazarin, Jules

McBride, Richard (2)

McLean, Archie, Allan & Charlie

McClung, Nellie

McCrae, John

McDougall, William

McFarlane, Leslie (F. F. Dixon)

McGill, James

McIntyre, Duncan

McKenna, Frank

MacLuhan, Marshall

McMaster, William

Meighen, Arthur


Ménard, Lt-Col Dollard

Mercier, Honoré

Mercure, André SK en français

Metcalfe, Charles

Meulles, Jacques

Michener, Roland

Middleton, Frederick

Miner, Bill


Moberly, Walter

Molson (2)

Monck, C. S.


Monet, Marguerite

Montcalm, Louis-Joseph de

Montgomery, Lucy-Maud

Montgomery, Richard

Montgomery’s Tavern

Montmorency Falls

Moodie, Susanna

Moore, Thomas

Moose Factory

Moose Lake

Moose Jaw

Morrow, Justice William

Mount Stephen

Mountain, Jacob

Mowat, Farley

Mowat, Olivier

Mulroney, Brian

Munro, Alice

Murphy, Emily

Murray, Alexander (2)

Murray, George

Nagano, Mazo


Naismith, James – invented basketball


Natel, Antoine

Nault, André

Navières, Fr Joseph

Nechako River

Neighbour, Frank

Nelson River

Nelson, Wolfred, brothers



New Carlyle

New Westminster

Niagara River/Falls/Region

Nichols, Cindy

Nicollet, Jean

Nimkish Valley

Niobe, HMCS

Noble, Annie

Nolin, Charlesl

Nootka Sound, Convention

Norman E. Herbert

Norman, Dr. L.P.

Norman Wells

Norquay, John

Norris, Tobias C.

Norway House

Notley (2 generations)

Noyrot, Philibert

Nuns’ Island

Oakes, Harry

O’Brien, Lucius

Odell, Jonathan

O’Donoghue, Daniel


Ogden, Mount

Ogilvie, W.W.


Okeskow, Dr. Joseph

Okpik, Abraham

Olier, Jean-Jacques

Oliver, Frank

Ominayak, Bernard

Onderdonk, Andrew

O’Neill, William V.

Okutak, Sheokjuk

O’Ree, Willie

O’Reilly, George


O’Rourke, Pte. M.J.

Orser, Brian

Osgoode, William


Otter, Col. W. E.

Oulette, Fernand

Oulette, Françoise-Romaine


Pacaul, Phillippe, Olivier Ernest

Padgem, Joe

Page, J. Percy

Palliser, John

Palmer, Dorothea

Palmer, Edward

Palmer, General Joel

Panet, Jean-Antoine

Papineau, Louis-Joseph

Parizeau, Jacques

Parker, Dr. Raymond

Parkhurst, Anthony

Parby, Irene,

Parr, John

Partridge, E. A.

Partridge Isle


Patricia, Princess

Patterson, Tom

Patterson, W.J.

Peace River

Pearson, Lester B



Pelee Island

Pelletier, Gérard

Pelletier, Wilfred


Pépin, Jean-Luc

Pepperdene, Frank

Perry Robyn



Peterson, Oscar

Phillips, Nathan


Pickersgill, Jack

Pile of Bones Creek

Placentia Bay

Plains of Abraham

Plante, Jacques

Pointe aux Trembles

Point aux Callières

Polanyi, John

Podborski, Steve

Pond, Peter


Pope, William Henry

Port Alberni

Port Aurther

Porter, John

Port Hawkesbury

Port McNeil

Port Moody

Port Royal

Potts, Gerry

Pouchot, Pierre

Poulin, François


Pratt, E.J.

Priestly, Norman

Priestner, Cathy

Prince Albert

Prince George

Prince of Wales Island

Prince Rupert

Prouville de Tracy, Alexandre

Provencher, Joseph-Norman

Puttee, A.G.

Pylypiw, Ivan


Qu’Appelle, Fort

Qu’Appelle River/Lake/Valley

Québec (City)

Queen Charlotte Sound/Strait


Questico Provincial Park

Queylus, Abbe

Quigley, A.J. .

Quin Tomn

Quinney, Rev. Charles

Radisson, Pierre-Esprit

Radisson (town)

Rae, Bob

Railton, David Sr.

Rainy River

Raie, Sébastien

Ralston, James

Ramsey, David

Ramsay, George

Rankin Family

Rankin Inlet

Rasmussen, Knud

Rat Portage

Raudot, Antoine-Denis

Raudot, Jacques

Rawson, Rawson W

Raymond, Maxime

Raynault, Adhemar

Read, Ken

Ready, John

Red Crow

Red Eagle

Redpath, John

Red River

Reeves, John

Regnault, Christophe

Reid, Leonard

Reid, Robert W.

Reid, Thomas

Reid, W. D.

Reimer (2 generations)

Rémillard, Lionel

Rémy de Courcelle, Daniel de

Renty, Gaston


Revia-Giguedo, Vicreroy

Revillon Fréres

Rheaume, Gilles

Rhodes, Dr. Andrew

Rhodes, E. M.

Rhodes, William

Riail, Phineas

Ribaut, Jean

Richard, Henry

Richard, Maurice “Rocket”

Richards, A. L.

Richardson, Arthur

Richardson, H. R.

Richardson, Hugh

Richardson, J. C.

Richardson, James

Richardson, James A.

Richardson, Sir John

Richardson, John

Richardson, John

Richelieu, Cardinal

Richelieu River

Richey, J. H.

Richler, Mordechai

Richmond, Charles Lennox 4th

Ricketts, Pte Thomas

Rickey, Branch

Rideau Canal/Hall

Rideout, John

Ried, Andy

Riel, Louis

Rigault de Vaudreuil, Philippe


Riopelle, Jean Paul

Richot, Jean-Noel

Richot, Noel

Rivard, Jean

Riverin, Denis

Rivière des Iroquois (Richelieu)

Roberts, Lillie

Robarts, Emma

Robarts, John

Robert, Leo

Robertin, Colin

Robert, Bartholomew

Roberts, Charles G. D.

Roberts, Edward

Roberts, J. A.

Roberts, Kelso

Roberts, Lillie

Riberts, William

Robertson, Andrew

Robertson, Colin

Robertson, George

Robertson, Gideon

Robertson, Professor

Robertson, T. B.


Roberval – Royce de Roberval

Robichau, H. J.

Robichaud, Louis

Robinau de Villebon, Joseph

Robinson, William

Robinson B.

Roblin, Duff

Rocky Mountain Fort

Roddick, T. T.

Rodier, Édouard

Rodier, M

Roebling, John

Roepke, Anna

Roepke, William

Rogers, A. B.

Rogers Pass

Rogers, Samuel Edward

Rogers, Norman

Rogers, Robert

Rogers, Stan

Rolfe, John

Rollo, Andrew 5th

Rolph, John

Roper, Edward

Rosen, Phill

Rosenfeld, Fanny “Bobbie”

Ross, Alexandre

Ross, Charles

Ross, Charlotte Whitehead

Ross, David

Ross, George

Ross, Henrietta

Ross, James Clarke

Ross, James Hamilton

Ross, Jill

Ross, John (explorer)

Ross John (fur trader)

Ross, Lillian

Ross, Robert

Roue, William

Rouillard, Eugène

Rowan, John

Rowand, John

Rowe, Terry

Roy, Gabrielle

Roy George C.

Roye Henri

Roy, Maurice

Royal, Joseph

Rubena, Peter Paul

Rubenstein, Louis

Rudolph, J. C.

Rundle, Robert

Rupert, Prince

Rupert House

Rupert’s Bay

Rush Richard

Russell, Frank

Russell, John

Russell, Jonathan

Russell, Robert Boyd

Ruysch, Johannes

Ryan, Claude

Ryan, Norman “Red”

Ryan, Thomas

Ryder, Gus

Ryerson, Egerton

Sable Island

Sacred Feathers (Peter Jones)

Saffroy de Mézy, Augustin

Saint Andrews

Saint Boniface

Saint Denis



Saint John/River

Saint-Joseph de Sillery

Saint-Laurent, Louis S.

Saint Lawrence River/Seaway

Salaberry, Charles de


Sampson, James


Sarrazin, Michel

Sault Sainte-Marie

Saunders, Albert/Charles

Saunders, Margaret Marshall

Saunders, Williams

Sauvé, Jeanne

Sauvé, Maurice


Schmidt, Louis

Schmidt, Milt,

Schoctor, Joseph

Shubert, Augustus/Catherine

Schultz, John

Schumacher, Jean

Scott, Barbara Ann

Scott, Duncan Campbell

Scott, Thomas

Second Narrows

Secord, Laura

Sedgewick, Robert

Selkirk (2)

Semple, Robert


Seven Oaks

Seymour, Frederick

Shadd, Abraham Doras


Shar, Mitchell


Shea, Ambrose

Shearer, Norma


Shore, Eddie

Shore, Robert

Schuster, Joe

Sicotte, Louis-Victor


Sifton, Clifford

Signal Hill

Silverheels, Jay

Simard, Pierre – studies on homelessness

Simcoe, Elizabeth

Simcoe, John Graves

Simmonds, James/Richard

Simonds, General Buy

Simpson, George

Sinclair, James

Sirois, Joseph

Sissons, Judge J. H.

Sitting Bull

Sittler, Darryl


Skinner, Dr. Frank Leith

Skookum Jim”

Slemon, Air Marshall C. Roy

Small, Nancy

Smallwood, Joseph

Smith, Albert

Smith, Donald

Smith, Ethel

Smith, Goldwin

Smith, Harlan

Smith, Dr. Sydney

Smith Sound

Smith Matthew

Snyder, Gerry

Solkin, M. A.

Solomons, Ezekiel

Sommerville, Hubert

Sommerville, Norman

Soper, Dewey/Roland

Spence, Thomas

Spence, Walter

Spicer, Keith


Stamp, Edward

Stanfield, Robert

Stanley, George F. G.

Stanley, Lord/Cup

Steele, Superintendent Samuel

Stefansson, Vilhyalmun

Steinhauer, Ralph

Stephen, George

Stevens, Henry Herbert

Stewart, Charles

Stewart, Dr. David A.

Stewart, Hattie B.

Stewart, Dr. James

Stewart, James


Stinson, Katherine


Strachan, John


Stuart, John


Sullivan, Françoise


Swift Current

Swift Runner

Sydenham, Charles


Taché, Étienne-Paschal


Taffenel de la Jonquière, Jacques-Pierre

Tailfeathers, Gerald

Talbot, Thomas

Talon, Jean

Taylor, Alex

Taylor, Ken

Taylor, Margaret



Tête Jaune

Thibault, Fr André

Thompson, Jon

Thomson, Tom

Tilley, Leonard

Trudeau, Pierre-Elliott


Tupper, Charles

Tyrell, Joseph & James

Tyson, Ian

Tyson, Sylvia


Underhill, Frank



Ussher, John

Vaillancourt, Armand

Vancouver, City of

Vancouver, Fort

Vancouver, George

Vancouver Island

Vanier, Georges

Vanier, Jean

Van Horne, William Cornelius

Vézina, Georges

Victoria Island


Viel, Fr Nicolas

Vimont, Barthélemy

Vimy Ridge

Vigneault, Gilles

Vollick, Eileen

Walker, James

Walsh, James Morrow

Waminolet, Annie

Wandering Spirit

Ware, John

Warwick Island

Welland Canal

Wells, Clyde

Wheeler, Anne

Whelan, Eugene/Elizabeth


Williams, Danny

Wilson, Bertha

Wilson, Cairine


Wolsey, Col. Garnet

Wood, Henry Wise

Wutunee, William

Yellowhead Pass



York Factory

Young, George

Youville, Marguerite